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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

What is Normal Hair?

normal hair

Normal hair is the dream head of hair!

This is true! normal hair is the dream head of hair. If your hair feels soft to the touch, has good body and manage ability , has not been color-treated or permed, and the scalp is neither dry nor oily, then you have “normal” hair. This hair type needs minimal attention. However, normal hair can quickly become damaged hair if you overuse styling implements or drastically change your hair color. Also, over washing can dry out the scalp; the less the better for this hair type.
It is easy to get seduced by perms or extreme changes in hair color, especially when you have healthy, normal hair. You’re told it will just bring a little more life to your hair-and no damage. I have seen it happen over and over. A woman with beautiful healthy hair gets convinced that it could be more beautiful (we are so easily convinced we can be more beautiful with help from the cosmetics industry) with a few highlights or a few shades lighter. Now the normal hair is damaged and conditioner is mandatory, with no return to normalcy until the hair grows out, all for the sake of a “beautiful” change. Sometimes the best policy is to do as little as possible.

A shampoo for normal hair or a shampoo with a minimal amount of conditioner does just fine for this hair type. Styling products depend on what you want your hair to do, but generally the lighter the styling aid, the better. 


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