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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The Best Hair Brush

best hair brush

Choosing the best hair brush supported your hair!!!

For all intents and purposes, taking care of your hair starts with taking care of the cuticle. Paying attention to the needs of this microscopic layer of protection will go a long way to having healthy hair and fewer bad hair days. You will need to change your ways, which can take some getting used to. For many of us they have been second nature, but with time the old habits will become strange and the new habits will feel as natural as brushing your teeth.

How  to brush your hair : Brush or comb your hair as infrequently and as gently as possible. Without question, brushing is one of the most damaging things you do to your hair, especially if you repeat it frequently during the day and use hard-bristled brushed. Every time you brush through your hair, the spikes chip away at the cuticle. Be good to your hair and leave it alone as often as you can.
It is best to use only soft-bristled or soft feeling brushes. The farther apart the bristles the better; if they are close together, they must have soft, flexible feel. When you run the brush through your hair, take care to start, at the base of your scalp, using as little force as possible. Avoid slamming the brush into your hair and driving it through to the end. 

Brush your hair in sections. Starting at the top and working your way down, being the most gentle with the ends. 

Brush your hair in sections. Starting at the top and working your way down, being the most gentle with the ends.
Hair to look its fullest:

If you want your hair to look its fullest, throw your head forward and brush from the nape of your neck forward, avoiding  the ends. Then  Throw your head back and smooth the top and ends without digging into the hair. 

Distribute the oil:
If you want to distribute the oil from your scalp throughout your hair, brushing it once in the morning, afternoon, evening should take care of that.  During the day you can also separate your hair with your fingertips, smoothing it with your hands.

Brush for wet hair: 
Never use a brush on wet hair. Wet hair is more easily damaged than dry hair, and a brush, with its many bristles, has multiple projections that can attack the cuticle. Use either a wide- toothed comb or a wide-bristled brush with rounded tips.
hair brush types: 
Choose your hair brush and combs carefully. Certain brushed and combs are more damaging than others. The softer the brush or comb the less it will damage the hair. If it tears and  pulls at your hair as you brush or comb, it’s hurting the cuticle.

Paddle Hair Brush:
Using a paddle hair brush makes your cuticles lie flat, and this is great for smoothing and detaining hair and boosting its shine and sleekness.

Radial/Round Hair Brush
A radial hairbrush has bristles around the entire head of the brush; in other words the bristles make the brush look round like a roller.

So best hair brush make your hair healthy and shine.


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